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Step 1 - Theme Options

To begin customizing your site go to Appearance -> Customizer and select Theme Options. Here's you'll find custom options to help build your site.

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Step 2 - Setup Slider

To add a slider go to Theme Options -> Homepage and choose page slider. The slider will use the page title, excerpt and featured image for the slides.

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Step 3 - Create Homepage

To add featured content go to Theme Options -> Homepage (Featured) and turn the switch on then add the content you want for each section.

Barn Lighting 101: A Comprehensive Guide

Barn lighting has transcended its utilitarian roots to become a symbol of timeless charm and a nod to nostalgia. Originally designed to illuminate the working spaces of barns and agricultural buildings, these fixtures have found their way into contemporary design, adding a touch of rustic elegance to both interiors and exteriors. In the modern era,

The Cookbook Companion: Essential Food Safety Guidelines

While the food industry has a significant responsibility in maintaining food safety, consumers also play a crucial role in preventing foodborne illnesses. By following essential food safety guidelines in their everyday practices, individuals can contribute to a safer food supply chain. In this article, we will explore specific actions that consumers can take to ensure

A Comprehensive Guide to Food Safety Protocols

Food safety is a critical aspect of our daily lives, impacting our health and well-being. Whether you are a professional in the food industry or a home cook, understanding and implementing essential food safety guidelines is crucial. Here, we will explore key principles that can help prevent foodborne illnesses and promote a safer food environment.

Safe and Savory: A Food Safety Checklist

Running a restaurant comes with great responsibility, particularly when it comes to food safety. Ensuring the well-being of customers through proper food handling practices is not only a legal requirement but also a key factor in maintaining a good reputation. Here are some best practices for restaurants to uphold food safety standards: Employee Training: Provide

Playground Protectors: A Parent’s Guide to Safeguarding Joyful Play

Playgrounds are places for children to have fun and community spaces that require collective efforts to ensure safety. This article explores the significance of community engagement in maintaining safe and enjoyable playgrounds for all. Community Inspection Teams: Establish community inspection teams responsible for regularly assessing the condition of playground equipment. Encourage volunteers to report issues

Toto Fortune: The Science Behind Analysis

Toto Analysis has come a long way from its early days of manual calculations and simple statistical analysis. With advancements in technology, enthusiasts now have access to a myriad of tools and techniques to enhance their ability to predict lottery outcomes. In this article, we explore the evolution of Toto Analysis and the role of

VeriTrust: Strengthening Bonds, Exposing Frauds

In the ever-expanding digital landscape, the internet offers many opportunities but also presents a breeding ground for scams and fraudulent activities. Recognizing the need for a collective defense against online threats, scam verification communities have emerged as crucial players in enhancing online safety. In this article, we delve into how these communities contribute to navigating

Toto’s Zenith: Community Rankings Unveiled

For users of Toto, the Community Ranking system is a badge of honor and a testament to their contributions to the platform. If you want to enhance your standing in the Toto community, here are some effective strategies to boost your Community Ranking. 1. Be Consistent and Active: Consistency is vital when it comes to

Sprint Cuisine: Eat and Run Verification Wonders

In the rapidly evolving world of online food delivery and takeaway services, the importance of ensuring the reliability and safety of these platforms cannot be overstated. This is where Eat and Run Verification Sites come into play, acting as the guardians of consumers’ trust and well-being. One of the primary concerns for anyone ordering food